Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Superior Iron Man, Volume 1 Review

Superior Iron Man, Volume 1: Infamous. Tom Taylor, Yildiray Cinar, and Laura Braga. 2015. Marvel. 136 pages.

Rating: 3/5

This book takes pretty much all of Tony Stark's negative qualities and turns them to max. He is brash, delves back into alcoholism, and acts a bit like a tyrant over the people of San Francisco. He's not all bad, but it makes it much harder to like the character because he isn't tempered as much by his good qualities.

Going into this book I felt a little lost. I didn't read any of the event that caused this change in Tony. Plus, it's hard to get a read on his motives. The art was decent. Nothing about it wowed me though.

I did enjoy seeing Iron Man skirt the line of evil. He does some questionable things for sure, but nothing that the character wouldn't ponder at least for a little while. And the execution of his ideas are kind of cool.

As a book about Iron Man, I was a little disappointed that they had to rope Daredevil into the story. His part certainly works within the context of the plot, and he acts as a conscience for Tony, but his appearance also felt unnecessary. The inclusion of Teen Abomination was a bit weak too. This had some potential toward the end of the book. Yet, he just seemed thrown in for some comic relief that didn't work for me.

I like these different takes on familiar characters, although this one doesn't push the line as far as some other books I've read. It's a decent read, but I don't expect to read any more in this series.

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