Friday, August 18, 2017

Heathen Volume 1 Review

Heathen, Volume 1. Natasha Alterici and Rachel Deering. 2017. Vault Comics. 112 pages.

Rating: 5/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this story. I've read a bit of Nordic mythology recently, and the pieces the creators pick out to include in the plot work perfectly.

Aydis is a young woman struggling with her sexuality. Because of this she has become outcast from her village and sets out on a quest to free Brunhilde, the former leader of the Valkyries, from a fiery prison that Odin sent her to hundreds of years ago.

Despite the fantastical elements of the story, Aydis feels familiar and is quite relatable. She's smart and brave, but we get to see her vulnerable as well. The Nordic characters provide great support to Aydis. Brunhilde gives her purpose, and the others either seek to stop her or help her in that quest.

The art is wonderful. It has a unique appearance that seems to fit the story really well. I am unsure why Aydis wears such a revealing outfit when she lives in such a cold environment. One of the other characters has some mild nudity. However, these elements weren't enough to disrupt my enjoyment of the book. I look forward to reading more of Aydis' story.

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