Sunday, September 16, 2018

Review: Dead and Gone

Dead and Gone Dead and Gone by Andy Diggle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Diggle's work on the first volume of this series didn't really impress me. So I wasn't expecting a lot going into this book. The concept sounded cool though because it was going to dive into the history of the Shadowman. This meant opening up the magical side of the Valiant universe a little more and showing the possibilities of the character without radically changing Jack Boniface.

There are three different time periods visited in this book: the 1940s, the late 1700s, and ancient Africa. Each of these adds to the series and foreshadows things to come. I like that the art changes based on the time period that is taking focus. There are a few moments that the art doesn't work for me. Specifically these occur during the few scenes that take place during the present, and the perspective felt off in those moments. Generally, the art is very well done though.

This is the Shadowman book that I've been waiting for. I feel like Valiant is making a concerted effort to bring this character back around and so far it has been working out pretty well. This book is one that I think a new reader could pick up and get excited about the character.

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