Saturday, April 16, 2016

Octopus Pie, Volume 1 Review

Octopus Pie, Volume 1. Meredith Gran. 2016. Image Comics. 200 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Disclaimer: I received a free e-copy from NetGalley for an honest review.

I'm not usually a fan of webcomics. Partly this is because the format tends to leave the story a little more disjointed than traditional comic books. I noticed this a few times here as well. Despite this, I enjoyed this book quite a bit.

The story is about Eve, a New Yorker that works at an organic grocery story, and her stoner roommate Hannah. They do have some wacky adventures, but for the most part this is about the young women and trying to navigate through their relationships. They face problems with work, significant others, their friends, and each other.

The story is a little rushed at the beginning to bring the girls together and move things along. It reads pretty smoothly and it made me chuckle a few times. When it slows down though, it can drag a bit. Overall I enjoyed reading it and would read the next volume if I get a chance. Those that are interested can check out the series here.

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