Sunday, April 17, 2016

Paper Girls, Volume 1 Review

Paper Girls, Volume 1. Brian K. Vaughn, Cliff Chiang, and Matthew Wilson. 2016. Image Comics. 144 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Disclaimer: I received an e-copy through Net Galley for an honest review.

Paper Girls is about four young ladies that happen to have paper routes in the late 1980s. It takes place the day after Halloween, beginning very early in the morning. The girls are Erin, Mackenzie, Kaje, and Tiffany. After they meet, some strange stuff starts happening.

I enjoyed the story quite a bit. There are aliens, time travel, and a theme about apples. The girls' reaction to these events seems natural for them. We get more background on Erin and Mackenzie than the other girls, and what we know about them makes an impact on their choices. It builds to a great ending that left me wanting to read more.

Stylistically, the art was different but fitting for the setting. There are some gorgeous images as well. The different forces at work in the book are represented well and made distinctive through the artwork and dialogue choices.

There is some strong language and one of the girls smokes, but the story itself is definitely accessible for teens.

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