Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The i Word: Brandon Graham

The i Word is the official podcast of Image Comics. Each episode is an interview with a comic creator that features a discussion on their work as well as something that they are passionate about. The latest episode spotlights Brandon Graham, who has worked as a cartoonist on Island and Prophet.

The discussion with Graham was fantastic. He talked a bit about ways that he has played with the comic medium and used it in ways that you can't really do with other forms of entertainment. This has inspired me to check out some of the books he has worked on, particularly Island, because of the freedom that the creators get. This podcast is great for anyone that is interested in hearing about the creative process for comics. The secondary topic is on the video game Doom, which is pretty silly, but it works well with the rest of the conversation.

Check out this episode on the Image website, Libsyn, or iTunes.

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