Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bully Eater, Volume 1 Review

Bully Eater, Volume 1. Raymond Brown. 2016. CreateSpace. 198 pages.

Rating: 2/5

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book through Goodreads Giveaways for an honest review.

I don't really read manga, but I thought I would give this book a shot. This story is about a young man that has been accepted into an elite martial arts academy. He has earned the name Bully Eater because he has a complex in which he feels compelled to stand up for people that cannot defend themselves. This has caused him to get into numerous fights.

He is really trying to get his feet under him in the first volume. After being accepted into the academy, all of the potential entrants have to pass a test. The protagonist spends most of the rest of the volume getting to know other students and getting into fights.

The manga art style doesn't appeal to me usually, and that holds true here. The characterization is okay, but there isn't a lot of plot to speak of. The other thing that irked me is that there is a bit more grammar and spelling mistakes than I'm used to seeing in the graphic novel format. Normally I'd be forgiving for some errors, but the amount I saw became a little distracting.

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