Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ninjak: Weaponeer Review

Ninjak, Volume 1: Weaponeer. Matt Kindt, Marguerite Savage, Butch Guice, and Clay Mann. 2015. Valiant. 176 pages.

Rating: 5/5

This is one of the graphic novels that I received in the Powerless box from Comic Bento.

Ninjak is a super-spy. He works unofficially for MI6 doing missions that they do not want connected to them. Sometimes this includes assassinations. Plus, he has all sorts of cool equipment to help him pull off his missions.

In Weaponeer, he is hired to infiltrate and take down the largest black weapons dealer in the world. This is a fast paced story that really shows off Ninjak's skills, from interpersonal to fighting. The story weaves together the past and present to give an understanding of Ninjak and carry along the plot.

There is also a small section at the end of each chapter titled "Lost Files" that tells the reader about his early career. This could have made things pretty muddled, but I feel like the creators did a nice job pulling it off.

I do have one quibble with the main plot toward the end of the book, but it is such a fun read that I will let it slide. Looking forward to more Ninjak.

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