Monday, May 30, 2016

Astonishing X-Men Volume 4 Review

Astonishing X-Men, Volume 4: Unstoppable. Joss Whedon and John Cassaday. 2008. Marvel. 200 pages.

Rating: 5/5

Whedon and Cassaday are on top of their game for this one. The previous volume really set the scene, but this one stands on its own. It certainly helps to read the rest of the series to know all the nuances of what is going on.

The X-Men leave Earth for an alien world known as the Breakworld with members of S.W.O.R.D. Their mission is to prevent the destruction of the Earth while overturning a prophecy that an X-Man will destroy the Breakworld.

There is a lot of tension built in because of the current situation and as a result of the events in volume three. This helps the book move at a pretty quick pace. We see a few different pairs of characters with different dynamics, which actually helps things move along. This could have been something that could have interrupted the pacing, but the creators handled it really well. And switching between these groups keeps the book from dragging at points that it could have otherwise.

I like that they moved this beyond just a mission for the X-Men to handle. There are other heroes and groups established in the Marvel universe that are prepared to protect the Earth, and we see a lot of them step up to help. The ending was fantastic, although it left some unanswered questions. The X-Men are heroes, though the line is blurred at times, and this book reminds us of what that means.

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