Monday, May 9, 2016

The i Word: Image Expo Sessions 4 of 4

So this episode of the i Word has been out for almost a week now, but I just got around to listening to it. The podcast is the official Image Comics podcast. The Imago Expo Sessions are recordings of panel discussions from the Image Expo 2016. These have all been very interesting to listen to. Each of the sessions seems to focus on a different aspect of the comic creation process. In this episode, there is a focus on colorists and how their work enhances the art. It is quite interesting to see comparisons of an illustration after it is drawn and when it is fully colored. I can definitely tell the difference in what the colorist can add.

Anyway, there weren't as many creators on this panel that I was familiar with. Babs Tarr and Brendan Fletcher are the two name that jumped out at me. This may have been the most interesting of the session recordings to me, partly because of the discussion on editors and what they can add to the creation process. It seems like colorists and editors are two contributors to comic works that get overlooked, so its nice to see them both get recognition here. I may not have been paying enough attention at the beginning, but this episode had the same problem for me that an earlier session did. Namely that it was difficult for me to distinguish between some of the creators. It probably wouldn't have been as noticeable at the panel, but it can be distracting in a podcast.

Check it out at Image, Libsyn, or iTunes.

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