Thursday, May 26, 2016

Batgirl, Volume 3 Review

Batgirl, Volume 3: Death of the Family. Gail Simone and Daniel Sampere. 2013. DC Comics. 224 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Check out my reviews for volume one and volume two.

I am disappointed that I did not like this one as much as the previous two volumes. It felt like it suffered from a little ADD at times. There were two different writers on this one and they switched off, so that probably has something to do with it.

The Joker storyline was great. It really showcased how insane he can be. It segues into a couple of issues that felt out of place to the series though. While it involved characters that have been introduced, they didn't contribute to Barbara's story much or in an authentic way. Batgirl should be the star, but she is kind of overshadowed.

The plot involving her brother is resolved. This portion of the story just didn't catch me though. Something about James Gordon Jr. just felt off throughout this series. He seemed shoehorned into a villain role that didn't need to exist.

Being a book from DC it isn't bad in any particular way. I think it could have been a lot better. The parts that tie into plots from other titles probably would have been better off in a different collection.

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