Sunday, May 29, 2016

East of West Volume 2 Review

East of West, Volume Two: We Are All One. Jonathan  Hickman, Nick Dragotta, and Frank Martin. 2014. Image Comics. 144 pages.

Rating: 5/5

Check out my review of East of West, Volume One.

This series is set in a futuristic America where the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride the Earth. They are fractured and working towards different goals, using the people they encounter to reach those goals by any means necessary.

I love the art in this series. The work that Dragotta and Martin do to bring the characters to life is fantastic. They are vibrant and believable, even at the most horrific points of the story.

Death is on a journey to find his son, whom he believed to be long dead. The other Horsemen are trying to fulfill their purpose of bringing about the end of the world. A prophecy known as the Message guides the Horsemen and their pawns.

The creators reveal a bit more about the characters in this volume. I feel like the first volume focused on Death, while this one balances it out a bit and introduces some new characters at the same time. The plot unfolds pretty slowly, but it is by no means boring. It reads quite quickly, and there is enough time devoted to each storyline throughout. A great continuation to the series.

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