Monday, May 23, 2016

The Autumnlands, Volume 1 Review

The Autumnlands, Volume 1: Tooth and Claw. Kurt Busiek, Benjamin Dewey, and Jordie Bellaire. 2015. Image Comics. 184 pages.

Rating: 5/5

This is a world built on magic, but the magic is running out. In a last ditch effort, a rogue group of wizards work together to summon the great champion who brought magic into the world to begin with. What they end up with is wholly unexpected.

The creators did a phenomenal job of bringing the Autumnlands to life. The characters are drawn beautifully and infused with personality. They are each an anthropomorphic depiction of a different animal. And the setting itself is drawn wonderfully as well. The places where these characters live feel real.

There is a lot going on in this book, but it doesn't feel overdone or scattered. The various parts of the plot connect together well. Definitely recommended for fans of fantasy settings and political intrigue.

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