Saturday, May 7, 2016

Blackcross Review

Blackcross. Warren Ellis, Gabriel Hardman, Declan Shalvey, Tula Lotay, and Colton Worley. 2016. Dynamite Entertainment. 160 pages.

Rating: 4/5

This book was included in the Powerless box I received from Comic Bento. It is part of Project Superheroes, but it is a standalone book and my first foray into the series.

The book is presented more as a mystery. It starts with an apparent suicide outside the town of Blackcross in Washington and the police are trying to figure out what happened and why. As the story unfolds, we learn that many of the characters are being haunted by ghosts. I thought there was a pretty good explanation of what was causing this.

There is also a serial killer on the loose that is being investigated. The two aspects eventually come together and reveal what is behind all of this. The characters themselves could have used some more development. What is present is fine, but doesn't go into depth for background.

I like the art. The characters are drawn well and the setting is developed well. There are some contrasting elements that I thought were great. The use of images alone for the beginning and end sequences worked really well.

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