Thursday, April 14, 2016

The i Word: The Image Expo Sessions: 1 of 4

This week on The i Word there is a discussion panel from the Image Expo. This is the first of four podcasts that will be released from the Image Expo. I liked the discussion panel because there was a lot of input on the creative process from a variety of comics creators. Some of the creators talked more than others, which isn't unexpected. There was some great discussion on how creating comics is similar to architecture, the writing process on comics compared to films, and an excellent response to an audience member's question on how they choose what to write about.

I was only familiar with one of the creators on this panel, so I have some work to do in familiarizing myself with some of the others. The only thing I didn't really like about the panel format in podcast form is that it took me some time to associate voices with the correct name. It is worth a listen though.

Check it out on the Image website, Libsyn, or iTunes.

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