Monday, January 2, 2017

Generation Zero, Volume 1 Review

Generation Zero, Volume 1: We Are the Future. Fred Van Lente and Francis Portela. 2017. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Anyone paying attention to my reviews will recognize that I enjoy stuff put out by Valiant Entertainment. Generation Zero features some characters introduced in the Harbinger Wars story, but it is well removed from that. The focal character is a young woman whose boyfriend dies in car crash. She thinks there is something fishy about his death and reaches out to a fabled group, Generation Zero, that helps people in need. They respond in spectacular fashion and it is unlike anything she expected.

This is the fourth series I've read written by Fred Van Lente. I'm not sure if it is the source material or his writing, but they have been consistently good. I enjoyed the characters a lot. The members of Generation Zero have a nice array of powers, and their interactions among themselves and with others show off their personalities. They felt different from the Renegades, which is another group of young superheroes in the Valiant books. That can be tough to pull off.

The town where everything takes place is great. There are references to some other events, which gives it some life because what happens in the other books clearly has an impact. The town itself has become stinking rich. There's really no other way to describe it. This has affected everything in the town and the art reflects that. It's very well put together in that regard. I wasn't too impressed with the art at first, but one of the later issues takes a huge turn that I thought was wonderful.

It can move a little slow at times and it helps to have some knowledge of what's been happening in the Valiant comics. Yet, it is written really well and has enough oomph that it doesn't really matter.

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