Sunday, January 15, 2017

Harrow County Volume 1 Review

Harrow County, Volume 1: Countless Haints. Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook. 2015. Dark Horse Books. 152 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Harrow County is an interesting little book about witches. Specifically a witch that is killed by the townsfolk and promises to seek revenge on them. Enter her counterpart that has no idea of her strange birth, but begins to exhibit signs of being a witch.

I love the art. The places and monsters are great. The people are okay. They almost seem a little unfinished. That's probably the best way that I can describe it. Even when the book enters places that are a bit hazy, there is a sense of place within it. Clearly the creators have an idea of how all these locations connect even if it isn't spelled out for the reader.

Emmy, the protagonist, is wonderful. I got the sense that she could really be someone that grew up on a farm with little knowledge of the outside world. And she likely heard lots of stories about this evil witch or a similar one, so her silence about what is going on with her is appropriate. The bit with the skin suit is odd though.

There are a lot of elements to make this a creepy story. They may not jump out at you at first, but that subtlety is part of the book's strength. It sets the stage for a much deeper story going forward.

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