Friday, January 6, 2017

Moon Knight, Vol. 1: Lunatic Review

Moon Knight, Vol. 1: Lunatic. Jeff Lemire, Greg Smallwood, and Jordie Bellaire. 2016. Marvel. 120 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I've wanted to read this book ever since I heard this new series was coming out. Moon Knight has got to be one of my favorite Marvel characters. There is always the question of whether Marc Spector is off his rocker. This book takes it to the extreme by placing him into a psych ward. He has no memory of how he got there and things are stacked against him to the point where he questions whether he really is Moon Knight. To find the truth, he must escape.

As much as I enjoyed this book, new readers will probably feel a bit lost. Part of this is because the creators draw on past books quite a bit. There are characters present that mean something to Marc Spector and Moon Knight that fans will recognize, but anyone else will be left wondering what his relationship is to each of them. The creators tease this out a little bit to try to minimize the disconnect for new readers. I'm not sure how effective it will end up being though.

The art is top notch. It sort of reminds me of the style from the Warren Ellis run on Moon Knight. What this book has that a lot of other Moon Knight books that I've read in recent year do not is a lot of Egyptian characters. Since Marc Spector is tied to an Egyptian god it sort of makes sense that the enemies he is facing would connect to that background. I'm interested to see if that portion of the book will continue.

This is worth picking up for the art alone. Smallwood and Bellaire work wonders to bring the psyche of Marc Spector to life. There are some familiar elements to this book, but Lemire seems to be pushing the character in a new direction.

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