Saturday, January 28, 2017

Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears, Vol. 1 Review

Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears, Volume One: Baby Talk. Dennis Hopeless and Javier Rodriguez. 2016. Marvel. 120 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Jessica Drew is Spider-Woman. She has been many things, but now she is preparing for motherhood. This book was an interesting choice on Marvel's part because pregnancy and superheroing don't really go well together. That gets addressed early on. The setup for that part of the story might leave casual or new readers confused because it references some earlier books. I have a bit of a gap in my Spider-Woman knowledge, yet it didn't detract from my enjoyment of this book.

The creators have a clear grasp of who Jessica Drew is as a character. They are able to keep true to who she is while bringing in a new aspect. And their insights on parenthood are pretty realistic. I'm sure there have been pregnant characters in comic books before, but this one did a great job tackling the subject and some of the stresses that come along with it.

There are some ridiculous moments too. The Skrull? Really? I mean that whole section ended up being pretty good, but I was skeptical because it felt a little forced. The art is good, as expected. There is a sequence in issue four that was excellent, but most of it did not stand out. This isn't an average superhero book, which is just fine.

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