Thursday, September 14, 2017

Bloodshot Volume 2 Review

Bloodshot, Volume Two: The Rise and the Fall. Duane Swierczynski, Manuel Garcia, Arturo Lozzi, and Matthew Clark. 2013. Valiant Entertainment. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I've really been enjoying Bloodshot between this series and the more recent Bloodshot Reborn. There is something really fun about the super powered soldier with amnesia kicking the butts of the people that changed him. This arc takes Bloodshot and his two companions from volume one and brings the fight directly to Project Rising Spirit.

What they find is a bit more than they bargained for though. The two highlights from this book are Gamma, whose power seems to be drawing strength from the fears of others, and the twist that leads Bloodshot into the Harbinger Wars storyline. This book is full of action with a good story to back it up.

I liked the art a lot. The use of a separate artist/style for the flashback issue is great. It is a little jarring to have that shift, but it felt like the right move to differentiate that part of the story.

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