Saturday, September 30, 2017

Paper Girls, Volume 2 Review

Paper Girls, Volume Two. Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang. 2016. Image Comics. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Wherein the girls travel to the future...or the present, depending on how you look at it. Either way, the 80s are gone and KJ is missing. Yes there is time travel in this book. It can be a bit convoluted, but it never really comes off as cliché. There are definitely aspects of the story that left me wanting to know more, mostly because the creators haven't revealed certain things yet.

I felt like this volume did more for establishing some rules of the setting than it did for expanding the relationship with the girls. There are some major things that happen involving them, but they still take a back seat to learning about what is going on around them and how that is going to play out down the line. This should really be read immediately after volume one. I waited a few months and I recognized a few times where it referenced the first book and I just didn't remember what exactly happened. I don't think I lost too much, but it might help to make sense of what happens in this volume.

Despite a couple of weird moments, the art is really good. There are some interesting color choices. I think they work because they aren't what the reader would be expecting all the time. Volume two is a fun continuation to the series.

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