Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Monstress, Volume 2 Review

Monstress, Volume Two: The Blood. Marjorie Lie and Sana Takeda. 2017. Image Comics. 152 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I enjoyed volume two quite a bit more than volume one. It delved more into the story of Maika Halfwolf, and I felt like I got to understand her more as a character. The world building from the first arc is still there, but it is used more to support the story than to drive it forward.

Maika wants to find out more about this monster that is inhabiting her and gets to learn more about her mother along the way. In addition to Maika being more interesting this time around, I thought the supporting cast was presented better. It seemed like their motivations were shown better and they had more personality. This is particularly true in the latter half of the book when the monster inside Maika gets some more page time.

The art is fantastic. There is a lot of effort put into making this story beautiful. The variety of locations and characters depicted really add to the sense of the world being created. Nice stuff all around and it's worth checking out for the art alone.

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