Monday, September 25, 2017

Old City Blues Vol. 1 Review

Old City Blues, Volume One. Giannis Milonogiannis. 2011. Archaia Entertainment. 120 pages.

Rating: 2/5

Unfortunately, this one was a miss for me. I like the noir-ish tone to the book and having the story set in Athens. It is set in the future and contains some sci-fi elements. The CEO of a robotics company is found dead and this police group investigates.

The detective subgenre can be a lot of fun to read. This one felt boring to me though. The main character didn't grab my attention and I never felt like it mattered what he was doing or what was happening in his world. There is a push to paint this corporation as evil and then nothing really comes of it.

I didn't care for the art much either. The lack of color wasn't a problem, but the illustrations themselves weren't terribly exciting. The story really could have been set anywhere in this future world. It reminded me more of an anime than something set on the European continent.

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