Saturday, September 23, 2017

Unity, Volume 1 Review

Unity, Volume One: To Kill a King. Matt Kindt, Lee Garbett, Doug Braithwaite, and Brian Reber. 2014. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.

Rating: 4/5

One thing about this story is that it helps to have an idea of  what was happening in the Valiant universe previously. I feel like there is a good recap of the most important pieces, but it is brief. It is possible to appreciate the story for what it is without being familiar with the events/characters involved.

Aric of Dacia, aka X-O Manowar, is public enemy number one in this book. From the beginning he has been a troublemaker, even if  that wasn't his intention. To put a stop to him, a U.S. government agency brings in one of the most powerful men in the world, who puts together a team to challenge Aric.

There are some pretty cool events in this book. A lot of it is action oriented, so it moves along at a good pace. The highlights for me are the character oriented moments that expand on the world, particularly in regards to Livewire. My reading sequence for the Valiant books is all over the place, so I had a chance to see some of what she's done leading up to this story as well as what takes place afterward. This ties things together nicely.

With all the Valiant books I've picked up, I really enjoy the art. The company does a great job of picking artists that create a style for their comics without tying them down too much. Braithwaite's art highlights the best parts of the story without being intrusive.

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