Friday, September 22, 2017

The Fade Out, Act One Review

The Fade Out, Act One. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. 2015. Image. 120 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I love the movie backdrop to this story. It begins with the setup of the book itself (this first part is labeled act one after all). From there it goes into Hollywood in the late 1940s or early 1950s. The starlet of the film that's always sort of in the background has been found dead. Brubaker and Phillips sure know how to set a hook on a story.

The characters are all interesting. There is definitely something shady going on and everyone seems to be involved in some way. Unpacking where each character fits in is quite a bit of fun. This book is more of a setup for things to come than anything else, but it does it so well.

And the art is superb. It captures the essence of the period perfectly. Anyone with a passing interest in noir type stories should check this out.

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