Sunday, October 1, 2017

Archer & Armstrong, Volume 4 Review

Archer & Armstrong, Volume Four: Sect Civil War. Fred Van Lente, Khari Evans, ChrisCross, and David Baron. 2014. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I am loving this series. The silliness is off the charts. So many books try to take themselves too seriously, and this one veers in the opposite direction. Some people might not like the goofiness, but I've read enough stuff by Fred Van Lente to know I'll enjoy it.

Archer seemingly turns his back on Armstrong after finding him in bed with his sister. He heads off to Project Rising Spirit for information on his past, which leads him into a full on battle with the Sect. I liked seeing the different groups that make up the Sect, even if some of them aren't in the book very long. The flip side to that is Armstrong's guilt ridden adventures with his brother, Ivar. Their short lived jaunt through time is massively fun. They hit up some historical events, but the best part is the beer stats for Armstrong in each leg of their journey.

Khari Evans and ChrisCross do a bang up job with the art. Their illustrations really embrace the tone of the series. Sit back, drink a beer, and embrace the ridiculousness that is the Sect civil war.

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