Saturday, October 28, 2017

Paper Girls, Vol. 3 Review

Paper Girls, Volume Three. Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chang, and Matt Wilson. 2017. Image Comics. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Volume three sees the girls taken from the future of 2016 to the far past. Time travel is a huge element to this series, which anyone that has made it this far along should know. This volume does a great job of pulling together just how pervasive it is in the setting, even if there isn't a lot going on in this arc. It focuses more on the girls, their skills, and their relationships.

After the girls arrive in this new time period, they are confronted by another young woman who acts as a guide for them. Through her, they learn that they aren't the first people to visit this period and that bits of technology have been filtering through rips in space-time. I like that this ties up a loose end from volume two, although it creates more of its own. There is also a character introduced that may be extremely important to the overall structure of the story.

As for the art, I'm still enjoying it. It is just as good here as it was at issue one. The color scheme can be jarring because it is different from what is expected. It uses lighter shades, almost pastel. With the amount of nature in this issue, the colors could have made things weird, but it's reigned in just enough.

This volume lays out some plotlines that could result in a big payoff in the next volume. There is one scene in particular that hints at things to come, which indicates the creators have some long term plans. They need to start giving the readers some more details about what is causing all the time travel trouble and the role of the Paper Girls in all of that. Bring on volume four.

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