Sunday, October 22, 2017

Captain Marvel, Vol. 2 Review

Captain Marvel, Volume Two: Down. Kelly Sue DeConnick, Christopher Sebela, Dexter Soy, and Filipe Andrade. 2013. Marvel. 136 pages.

Rating: 3/5

I picked this up from the library along with volume one and I almost regretted because I didn't enjoy the first book. The story here is better, but goes on a bit too long.

The first part of this book involves a former Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau, and a giant robot that rises out of the Gulf of Mexico. The relationship between the two women is well done. I don't know anything about Monica though, so I feel like part of their banter loses its impact. The most interesting portion is how it relates to the levees in New Orleans weakening and how the heroes are going to help fix them. Too bad that didn't take up more of the story.

Once that wraps up, Carol returns to New York and is diagnosed with a sickness related to her alien DNA and she is forbidden to fly. This begins to tie things back to volume one. Again, there are characters presented that I'm not familiar with and that aren't introduced very well, so the importance of some of Carol's relationships is lost.

The art splits between a realistic style and a cartoony style. I would have preferred a common style throughout the book. Either one would have been fine. The mix isn't terrible, but it is very noticeable when it does change. There are some cool scenes with the giant robot though.

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