Friday, October 6, 2017

Captain Marvel, Volume 1 Review

Captain Marvel, Volume One: In Pursuit of Flight. Kelly Sue DeConnick, Dexter Soy, and Emma Rios. 2013. Marvel. 136 pages.

Rating: 2/5

After reading part of the other Captain Marvel series by Kelly Sue DeConnick, I expected to like this book a lot. The character, Carol Danvers, is actually pretty cool. This volume put her in a pretty mediocre place though.

A chunk of the story retells how Carol got her powers, so it can be a good place for new readers to jump on. I learned some new stuff about her from that aspect of the book. There is a large portion that involves time travel that didn't work for me. That's sort of surprising because I've read a bunch of comics that use time travel and enjoyed them.

This one felt unnecessary though. She is mysteriously sent back to the 1940s, encounters a group of female pilots, some Kree, and an old hero of hers. These elements all seem way too obvious as far as directions to take with the character.

The art is pretty good though. Marvel does a nice job selecting high quality artists. It's probably the strongest part of this book, but it's really not enough to carry things.

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