Sunday, October 15, 2017

Star Wars, Vol. 2 Review

Star Wars, Volume Two: Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon. Jason Aaron, Stuart Immonen, and Simone Bianchi. 2016. Marvel. 144 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Another Star Wars book set between the original movie and Empire. This volume splits up the characters, with Luke seeking out information on the Jedi and Hand and Leia running into someone claiming to be Han's wife. These stories do eventually get tied back together.

I much prefer Luke's story in this volume because it shows off a bit more of the Star Wars universe. It also expands on Obi-Wan Kenobi and what happened with him after he returned to Tatooine with Luke. The Han and Leia story is more insular. Sure, they are fighting against the Empire and there is a huge claim that needs to be investigated, but it doesn't add much to the whole.

I really liked the art. Everything that happens on the Smuggler's Moon gives the creators a chance to show off some cool stuff unique to Star Wars. More than anything else in this book, it made me want more stories about the Jedi, even if it doesn't feature the heroes from the movies.

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