Sunday, October 8, 2017

If Chin Could Kill Review

If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor. Bruce Campbell. 2015. Thomas Dunne Books. 368 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Why should you care about his book? Whether you are a fan of Bruce Campbell or don't know who the heck he is, his book shows off a different side of Hollywood. Sure, most of his anecdotes take place outside of the glitzy town, but the sentiment remains. As one of the "working stiffs", he puts the effort that goes into the making of movies and TV shows front and center, without downplaying the importance of the people behind the scenes.

I've seen a bunch of stuff with Bruce Campbell in it. This book showed me just how prolific of an actor he is, and it only goes through the late 90s! While he focuses on how he got into acting and the first Evil Dead movie, there are stories about so many different projects. I like that it gives a range because it gives a good idea about how similar and different putting together a movie or a TV show (or small scale vs large scale movies) are.

It helps to have seen Evil Dead to enjoy a large section of this book. If you haven't seen the film (or the sequels at least), there are references to the finished product that just don't make sense. Plus, it would be harder to appreciate all of the work that ended up going into the film without having an idea of how the whole thing turned out. Aside from that, it is a great view of how the regular people involved with these type of projects contribute. Campbell's knowledge of the various roles is readily seen and adds a lot to this insight.

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