Saturday, November 26, 2016

Shadowman, Volume 1 Review

Shadowman, Volume 1: Birth Rites. Justin Jordan, Patrick Zircher, and Brian Reber. 2013. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.

Rating: 4/5

It felt odd reading this so shortly after the Valiant Masters edition of Shadowman. Jack Boniface is presented quite differently in this book. There are some similarities with the earlier rendition, but this version isn't quite as well developed.

Magic is front and center in this book, although it loses some of the voodoo elements. I like how these magic elements play together. It allows the creators to present some interesting villains in the form of demons. Master Darque, who is a long time antagonist to Shadowman, is present, but his servants are the ones doing the heavy lifting here. I enjoyed how these were mixed to show the reach of his power.

Jack has a couple of allies that want to protect him until he can master the Shadowman powers. These allies round out the story in a nice way because they balance out Jack's ignorance of this magical world he gets thrust into. They are able to give him some guidance. In the end, it is up to Jack to embrace his power and take a stand. The sequence that occurs the morning after he first becomes Shadowman is very reminiscent of the earlier series.

The art is phenomenal. We get to see a couple different takes on Shadowman. Master Darque and his minions are executed superbly. And then there are the Deadside sequences, which take place in a magical realm similar to limbo. All in all this is a nice reintroduction to the character. I'm excited to see where it goes from here.

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