Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Valiant Masters: Shadowman Review

Valiant Masters: Shadowman, Volume 1: Spirits Within. Jim Shooter, Steve Englehart, Faye Perozich, David Lapham, Don Perlin, Mark Moretti, Bob Hall, Steve Ditko, and Jose Delbo. 2013. Valiant Entertainment. 184 pages.

Rating: 5/5

This book collects some Shadowman comics from the early 90's. The art shows its age, mostly because it is not as polished as current comics. That didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book though.

Jack Boniface is a jazz musician in New Orleans. After a strange one night stand, he begins to develop powers that are stronger at night, which he uses to fight crime. How Jack adapts to his powers and the characters around him make this stronger than the average superhero story. Of note are Jack's housekeeper Nettie, Elya, and Master Darque.

There are supernatural elements to this story, beginning with Jack's transformation. Voodoo is a big component as well. I love that the creators tied in voodoo and other New Orleans elements because it gives it some more authenticity to the book. The magic isn't as prevalent early on, but becomes a big part with the introduction of Master Darque and the origins of Shadowman.

The story detours away from New Orleans for a couple issues in the middle to tie into a crossover event called Unity. These weren't bad though. I felt like I got enough information on the event to enjoy these issues while still remaining focused on Shadowman. It introduces an important character and sets up some future plotlines. The zero issue does a nice job of tying some things together. All in all Shadowman was a fun read.

Thanks to Comic Bento for including this in the October 2016 box.

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