Thursday, November 24, 2016

Time Trial Review

Time Trial. Rysa Walker, Heather Nuhfer, and Agustin Padilla. 2016. Jet City Comics. 128 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via Goodreads Giveaways in exchange for an honest review.

So this book is connected to Rysa Walker's Chronos Files series. I really like the idea behind it. There are time travelers that use keys to move around different eras. One group, known as Cyrists, want to take over the world and another group is out to stop them.

Time Trial seems to take place concurrent and after the events of the novels. There's time travel involved so I wouldn't quibble about any oddities with events. Anyway, Clio is the main character and her family is part of the group fighting the Cyrists. She is coming of age and wants to branch out on her own, ending up in 1931 Chicago. There she becomes involved with the trial of Al Capone and an old acquaintance of her parents.

There is a bit of time jumping that occurs after Clio meets the other time traveler. I liked seeing the different periods, although they could have been more varied. These highlight the differences between the two groups as well, even though it isn't stated outright. It gives a nice feel for the characters. I might have liked the story more if it had been more subtle about bringing in the Cyrists and really just let it be about Clio.

The art varied a bit for me. I like the character art. The period pieces are done nicely. The effectiveness of the coloring threw things off for me. There are times where the illustrations get too dark and muddle the drawings of the characters. This particularly bugged me when it meant half a character's face would be in shadow when it didn't need to be.

Despite some problems with approaches to the art and the story, it is still enjoyable. It takes a unique approach to time travel that is worth checking out.

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