Thursday, November 10, 2016

Princeless, Volume 3 Review

Princeless, Volume 3: The Pirate Princess. Jeremy Whitley, Rosy Higgins, and Ted Brandt. 2015. Action Lab Entertainment. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Check out my reviews of volume 1 and 2.

Adrienne and Bedelia continue their adventures by rescuing the "princess" Raven, who is the daughter of the king of pirates. Like the other princesses in this series, she has been locked away in a tower. However, she is much more capable of defending herself. She fits in great with the heroines until she heads off to seek revenge on her brothers. Of course, Adrienne chases after her.

The relationship between Adrienne and Raven is really the focus of this volume. These two young women are very similar in many ways, even though they had different upbringings and training. There is just enough tension between them to keep the story interesting. It is paced very well with a lot of action sprinkled throughout. The creators do a nice job of contrasting this with the interaction between the girls. I think the message the book settles on is fantastic as well.

Once again, the art is perfect for the story. There might be a slight variation from the previous volumes, but the characters are instantly recognizable so it wouldn't be a problem. This book hit a little bit of a slump in terms of cleverness. Part of this is the story and part of it is the use of references. I enjoyed the book in spite of it.

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