Sunday, July 31, 2016

Princeless, Volume 2 Review

Princeless, Volume Two: Get Over Yourself. Jeremy Whitley and Emily Martin. 2014. Action Lab. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as the first book, but it is still really good. Adrienne is one of many daughters of King Ashe, all of whom are locked away in towers with a dragon guardian. Tired of waiting for a knight to come rescue her, she broke out of her prison and is now on a quest to save her sisters.

Adrienne sets out to rescue her sister Angelica, who is considered to be the most beautiful princess in the land. Meanwhile, their father has set the greatest knights in the land to hunt down the mysterious knight that "killed" Adrienne. The clock is ticking for Adrienne as the knights begin to close in on her. Will they discover her secret?

While this book isn't as obvious about poking fun at stereotypical women in fantasy stories, it is still quite enjoyable and has a positive message for girls. The level of humor wasn't the same either. It was still pretty funny, but I didn't laugh out loud quite as much. The artist has changed for this book too, and I like the change to the art.

The second volume in this series is still fun, but takes a more serious turn. I will be on the lookout for a chance to read the next volume.

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