Friday, July 15, 2016

Chronos Commandos Review

Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol. Stuart Jennett. 2014. Titan Comics. 120 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I received this book in the Rewriting History box from Comic Bento. This one is all over the place. The intro from the creator says he was inspired by playing with toys as a child. The mixture of dinosaurs, time travel, and battling in a war is clearly a tale from childhood.

Sarge is the hero of this book. He leads a squad of soldiers that travel back to the time of the dinosaurs to thwart the efforts of the Nazis to change history, thus allowing them to defeat the allies. Albert Einstein is the Professor leading the American effort into time travel. Together Sarge and the Professor fight Nazis across multiple periods of time.

The book is just as ridiculous as it sounds. And that's a good thing. It is fun with a light tone, which is nicely offset by the obviously evil Nazi soldiers. I sort of imagine this as a being inspired by a really bad TV show, where the actors aren't quite sure how to portray a German. So the writing for the dialogue can be a little inconsistent. But that's okay because this is completely off the wall and it doesn't really break the immersion into the story.

Anyone looking for something more serious or in line with a Marvel or DC comic story will want to look elsewhere. The over the top violence, tough as nails Sarge, and reimagining of the battle against the Axis powers in WWII make Chronos Commandos a great read.

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