Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Chief: Mistahimaskwa Review

The Chief: Mistahimaskwa. David Alexander Robertson and Scott B. Henderson. 2016. Highwater Press. 32 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This one is pretty short. It tells the history of the Indian chief Mistahimaskwa. A girl's book is struck by lightning and the chief's story comes out of it for her to see. So, the way that she gets to see the story unfold is a little out there given that the rest  of the story seems to be fairly historical.

The chief is an impressive person. He is strong and brave, surviving situations that would overcome other people. It goes through his whole life, which felt abbreviated at times because of how short the book is. I think this could have been expanded, though maybe it would have required more embellishment on behalf of the creators.

For what it is, the story is good. It just didn't wow me in any particular way. Even the art is acceptable rather than outstanding.

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