Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pride & Joy Review

Pride & Joy. Garth Ennis and John Higgins. 2016. Image. 104 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second Garth Ennis book I've read. It shares some qualities with Preacher. The main character has a sketchy past and does quite a bit of posturing. Pride & Joy is more grounded in reality, although the antagonist, Stein, has a supernatural element to him.

Basically what happens is that Jimmy Kavanaugh is still struggling with the death of his wife. He has little connection to his son and is figuring out how to raise his daughter. Out of nowhere he gets a phone call from an old associate of his that sparks off the rest of the events in the book. Jimmy wants to protect his family from the real threat that Stein represents, as well as the threat of them learning about his past.

Jimmy's story is good, although a bit pessimistic for my tastes. There is some violence and profanity, so it is recommended for a mature audience. The art isn't bad. Nothing to get too excited about.

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