Sunday, July 10, 2016

Ivar, Timewalker, Volume 1 Review

Ivar, Timewalker, Volume 1: Making History. Fred van Lente and Clayton Henry. 2015. Valiant Entertainment, LLC. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Another book from the Comic Bento Rewriting History box. And another Valiant title that I enjoyed quite a bit. Ivar is a time traveler that is trying to protect Neela Sethi, who is about to make a major discovery in terms of time traveling. Neela's discovery is going to be an accident, but once she learns about it she wants to do everything she can to prevent her father's death.

The time travel mechanics can be a little wonky at times. Perhaps it is just the way it is described. The creators make great use of it though, even flipping the panels on the page as the characters jump through multiple periods of history. That and the fourth chapter as a whole are two of the elements that made this one stand out to me.

I liked the characters. Ivar is a little odd, and he disappears for chunks of the story, but he remains an interesting character and I would like to see what happens with him down the line. There are hints at the future relationship between Ivar and Neela throughout the book too. Neela is developed a bit more, and she is the character that most readers would identify with because she is learning these things at the same time we are.

It can be amusing at times as well. I think how they handle the whole "what if you could travel back in time to kill Hitler" question that seems to pop up in regard to time travel. There are parts of the story that need to be addressed down the line, but this is a great start to an interesting story.

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