Saturday, July 9, 2016

Spider-Woman Volume 1 Review

Spider-Woman Volume 1: Spider-Verse. Dennis Hopeless and Greg Land. 2015. Marvel. 112 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Despite being linked to a crossover event, I enjoyed this volume. But seriously, who starts a series as part of a crossover? This is not a book for newcomers to Spider-Woman unless they are reading all of the Spider-Verse stories.

Jessica Drew is Spider-Woman. And a secret agent. And a spy. She does a bit of everything. Here she is protecting Silk with the help of Spider-Man Noir. They are traveling between universes trying to flee members of a group that are hunting Spider heroes. There are some nice twists, but some things go unexplained because of the assumption that you have read the other crossover stuff.

I like the different approaches that the creators were able to take on the characters in different universes. Spider-Woman felt like an afterthought at times because the focus landed on other characters. This is corrected towards the end of the book.

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