Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ms. Marvel Vol 3 Review

Ms. Marvel, Volume 3: Crushed. G. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyazawa, and Elmo Bondoc. 2015. Marvel. 112 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Check out my reviews of volume 1 and volume 2.

Crushed continues the story of Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel, nicely. After wrapping things up with the Inventor, Kamala has some more personal issues to tackle. This arc involves Loki, which felt kind of random but becomes important later on. The person Kamala really has to confront this time isn't a supervillain.

She falls hard for a young man, and her actions as a result felt very natural for someone her age. They may be out of character, but she is a teenager that is coming to terms with romantic love for the first time. I thought the creators pulled it off really well.

Another part that might be difficult for readers to come to terms with is Kamala as a victim. She is a strong character even when she isn't sure of herself, so it might throw people off. It is another aspect that the creators addressed fantastically because the struggle she goes through can be relatable.

The weak point in this book is probably the art. It is not bad by any means, but there is a difference from the earlier books. It may require some adjusting to get used to it. This is a story of a girl in love who happens to be a superhero and it succeeds at that.

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