Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Vol. 1 Review

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Volume One. Greg Pak, Mirko Colak, and Cory Smith. 2014. Dynamite Entertainment. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Turok has got to be one of the more ridiculous books I've read recently. It follows a young Native American that is an outcast from his tribe on the island of Manhattan before it has been settled by Europeans. The tension comes when a ship arrives with a crew that is looking for gold. They've also brought dinosaurs with them.

There is a lot of action in this book, which helps make it a quick read. Turok is pretty adaptable to it all. I think his status as a loner and the skills he shows early on support this ability. How he became shunned isn't presented in much detail. There is just enough to pique the reader's interest and maybe keep you coming back for more. I would have liked more character development in general.

The art is superb. The dinosaurs look awesome and the knights provide a nice feel to the book. These elements are integrated well. The fairly realistic style works perfectly for the setting too. There are some areas for improvement, but it was a fun read that hit a lot of great elements for me.

I received this book in the October 2016 Comic Bento box, which takes a look at characters and books from the 90s.

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