Sunday, November 20, 2016

Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones Review

Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones. Tony Harris, Daniel Jolley, Ray Snyder, Kieron Gillen, Paul Chadwick, Frazer Irving, Frank Brunner, and Ted McKeever. 1999. Marvel. 192 pages.

Rating: 3/5

I've read a couple of other Doctor Strange books recently. This one came along as part of the October 2016 Comic Bento box. It's a good collection of stories centered around the character, but it didn't feel as strong as the other books.

Doctor Strange is a sorcerer that investigates supernatural phenomena and protects the Marvel universe from magical threats. There is a decent introduction to the character explaining who he was, how he got his powers, and what he does now. This is spread out throughout the book so a new reader shouldn't feel overwhelmed with the information. And it feels like it is geared more as a collection to get new readers familiar with the character than a story meant for long time readers. There are a couple elements that I am familiar with due to the other Doctor Strange books I've read that I don't recall being explained in this book though.

As a collection it is pretty good. I definitely enjoyed it. There are a variety of stories and the art has quite a range. Both the stories and the art range from dark to almost neon levels of brightness. It has a little bit of something for anyone.

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