Monday, August 22, 2016

Doctor Strange: The Oath Review

Doctor Strange: The Oath. Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin. 2007. Marvel. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

For my first real foray into Doctor Strange, this one was pretty good. It helps that it is written by Brian K. Vaughan. I've enjoyed everything I've read that he has been involved in. But onto Doctor Strange.

Stephen Strange was a surgeon with a crummy attitude. After an accident left him with limited motor function in his hands, he traveled the world in search of answers. He became apprentice to a mage and claimed the title of Sorcerer Supreme, which didn't help his whole attitude thing. New readers will get all this information in the book, so it isn't necessary to have read other stories featuring the character.

Doctor Strange has an assistant that is dying of cancer. He may have found something to heal his friend, but a mercenary broke into his house and stole it before Strange had an opportunity to use it. The rest of the story is a mixture of hunting down the guy that stole it and determining the best use for it because it is more powerful than even Strange imagined.

The characters drive this book. It took me a little bit to appreciate Strange and his companions, but they do work well together. The antagonist is different than one would normally expect from this type of book. Together with the art, these build a solid story. This is a great introduction to the character, emphasizing his roots, and gives him a chance to show his stuff.

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