Monday, August 8, 2016

The Woods Volume 3 Review

The Woods, Volume 3: New London. James Tynion IV, Michael Dialynas, and Josan Gonzalez. 2016. BOOM! Studios. 112 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Check out my reviews of volume 1 and 2.

A brief recap: a high school from suburban Milwaukee was mysteriously transported to another planet full of strange creatures. A group of students went out into the woods to discover who brought them here and why. Along the way they ran into another group that was brought to the planet over 100 years ago. The remaining students, led by the faculty and the student body president, struggle to survive in this harsh landscape.

About a month has passed since the school was moved to the alien planet. The group that entered the woods has been taken into the community of New London and cared for after being attacked by the native animals. They soon discover what the community plans for their classmates, but will they be able to do anything about it? Meanwhile, Adrian uses his powers to attack New London and make his way to the arrow kept under lock and key.

This series is slowly unfolding. It is pretty quick paced, but there is a bit of mystery surrounding events and the creators aren't letting things out of the bag just yet. We get to learn some more about the characters introduced thus far. What set this book apart from the previous two is that some more history of the alien planet is presented.

The art continues to be top notch. The town of New London gets to take center stage. Even when we aren't told about things, the art reveals a bit about the town and the inhabitants.

One thing bugged me about this arc. Coach Clay is in New London, but I can't for the life of me remember how he got there. It isn't addressed in this volume, and I don't remember him getting mixed into the group in the woods at the end of volume 2. Whether it is an oversight on my part or the creators, I think it should have been addressed somewhere in this volume because it made his whole part feel off.

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