Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Rat Queens Volume 3 Review

Rat Queens, Volume 3: Demons. Kurtis J. Wiebe, Tamra Bonvillain, and Tess Fowler. 2016. Image Comics. 160 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Rat Queens keeps going strong. This fantasy series follows a group of women that swear, drink, fight, and have sex regularly. It is clearly directed at adults, but plays off fantasy tropes, particularly ones connected to Dungeons and Dragons, although this book focuses on that a bit less. The creators use what they have established about the characters to drive the story a bit more.

Most of this book focuses on Hannah, an elf mage. The Queens tag along as she goes to see her father, who is currently imprisoned for leading a revolt against the leaders of Mage University. I like that the creators put Hannah up front. She can be a bit standoffish and we haven't learned a lot about her past yet. There are still questions out there about her, but this fills in some big chunks.

The other plotline present that I loved involves Dee, who is a priestess of a creature like Cthulhu. This part of the story feels the most original to me because it is very different from my expectations based on the sources the creators use for inspiration. Her story was given more depth in book two, but this expands on it with the appearance of her brother. The other two Queens have some moments in this volume, but it is more comic relief than anything.

The only thing that really bothered me with this volume, which I don't believe was as present in the first two books, is the choppiness of the transitions. The different parts of the story don't necessarily mesh well and there was at least one point where things shifted in a way that was confusing. Even the art was on par for the other books, which means it was great.

This volume also includes the special Braga #1, which I've reviewed separately.

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