Thursday, August 18, 2016

Giant Days, Volume One. John Allison, Whitney Cogar, and Lissa Treiman. 2015. BOOM! Box. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Giant Days is the story of three young women during their first year of college. These ladies became friends quite quickly. Some people might find that odd, but in my experience it can be very accurate. Though they are attending school, the focus is more on their friendship and less on any details related to classes, majors, etc.

I enjoyed the art a lot. It borders on cartoony, which might not appeal to some people, but it never crosses to a point that I felt it was wholly unbelievable.  The illustrations match where the characters are at this point in their lives. They are adults and still kind of children and the art captures that balance.

There isn't an overarching plotline that ties each of the chapters together. Towards the end there is a semblance of one as an old boyfriend reappears and the girls take a stab at feminism. It is more an introduction to the girls, and it is fantastic at that. Their interactions are funny and their adventures are fun. From parties to colds to vulnerability, the book kept me engaged.

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