Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ready Player One Review

Ready Player One. Ernest Cline. 2011. Crown. 384 pages.

Rating: 5/5

Welcome to the future where the internet has become a giant MMO game a la World of Warcraft. The real world sucks so of course everyone wants to spend all their time in fantasy land. The guy who helped the internet evolve to this point died and created a scavenger hunt within the game with the winner receiving his vast fortune and ownership of the game.

The hunt is so convoluted that five years pass without anyone making progress. Wade Watts is the first person to earn points in it and this book follows him through his journey. Along the way he finds some true friends and fights against IoI, the "evil" corporation that wants to take over the game and make a profit from it.

I realize this might sound like I didn't enjoy the book, but it was great. It drew me in right away and kept my interest. The pacing is quick, although it slows down a little when the author explains some of the references. And the references are what make the book. They are tied into the entire hunt and act as a celebration of nerd culture. Certain aspects receive more focus than others though.

The world that Cline creates is super imaginative and believable to a certain extent. Sure there are some flaws in this book, but for me they never got in the way of the story the author wanted to tell. I think he hit it dead on and made something that should be enjoyable for more than the obvious target audience.

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