Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Frontlines: Requiem Review

Frontlines: Requiem. Markos Kloos, Ivan Brandon, Gary Erskine, and Yel Zamor. 2016. Jet City Comics. 124 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via Goodreads Giveaways in exchange for an honest review.

This is a decent space military story. I felt like I was reading a book inspired by Battlestar Galactica or something similar. However, I feel like there was too much crammed into this book. At times the story jumped forward, not in a jarring way, but I felt like the creators could have expanded on some aspects of the story that might have been pruned back because of the medium used.

Markos Kloos has a series of novels in the same setting and I would consider picking one up because what is present here is interesting. The alien invaders, known as Lankies, seem well thought out. And Col. Yamin is a relatable protagonist. She is put in some very tough positions. Her decisions don't always work out, but that makes the story more interesting.

The art is fine. Nothing too exciting. There are a couple panels that felt like they were repurposed though. Sort of as if the way the story was written was changed and the panels were already done so they were changed to fit the new path. Not sure if that is what happened here, but it is the impression that I get. I like stories that fit into this genre and this one holds its own.

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